Live In The Moment With Honesty And Passion.

February 1, 2016 Bronson

I recently saw the play Les Meserables. I've seen it many times but this time I was so affected by the devastating experiences the various characters go through in conjunction with the goodness that some of them express. Life is incredibly unpredictable, it gives so much and seems to take away as well. There are two major points I want to touch on considering the frequent and sometimes major changes in life.


First, address the correct emotion. Our reaction to every event has so much to do with the emotions following the event. We must be honest about the emotions felt. It is extremely difficult to address and react if you cannot identify the emotion.


Secondly, live every second with honesty and passion. Don't check out, numb out, ditch out or dream away the present. The here and now will only come once, and things may change dramatically at any given moment. Accidents happen, people lose their jobs, health changes, loved ones pass and children grow up. Don't be too embarrassed or worried about what others might think and say. Is your desire not good? Mine is, so why do I care that others might think I'm a little over the top for getting excited about some impossible dream, business or relationship? Why worry about what others think about me getting down to my five year old's level and playing with passion? Why stand back and watch, or look for some useless thing on my cell phone, when I could be soaking up the joy that an innocent, imagination of a five year old radiates? This moment and circumstance is not coming back, and who knows, he or I may not be able to engage in the same way tomorrow. So live right now as if there is no tomorrow with honesty and passion. This is where joy is, living your dream in your own way and connecting with your people with your best self. Don't hold back, go get the things you want and deserve.
