The Key to Success is Self-Awareness

November 3, 2020 Bronson

The Key to Success is Self-Awareness

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
― C.G. Jung


Jim Rohn says “If you want to have more you have to become more.”

That doesn’t just mean you have to work more. It means you have to understand what personal attributes, perspectives and behaviors are serving you well and taking you closer to your dreams and goals and what is not.

It’s difficult to change much about yourself very quickly without having good self awareness.
You need to know your strengths and weaknesses, your interests, what bothers you, your communication style, how you’re perceived by others, how you perceive yourself, what areas of cognitive dissonance exist in your life, religious influence, relationships, how your serve others, how you perceive moral and ethical issues and the list goes on

Jeff Bezos says "you don’t find your passion your passion finds you."

To which I would ask, if you don’t know yourself how the hell would you recognize your passion even if it was right under your nose?

In order to make lasting change in your life, you must be able to recognize and change your habits, patterns and routines.

We were all raised in a culture and learned how to navigate that culture by modeling the behaviors of others. Now you are in a different place in life, a place where your old patterns and habits may not be serving you in the best way, are there patterns and rituals in your life that are not bringing you closer to your desired results.

Everyone learns from their own experience and from the people around them. So it's safe to say that in many ways we've come to fit the mold for a certain culture and that goes from family culture and community culture all the way up to national culture. Even our successes and failures have been measured by that cultural perspective. However, that perspective might be inaccurate or it might hold some preconceived notions about a variety of principles and standards that aught to be changed.

This deeply rooted cultural perspective or blue print is one of the most challenging changes to make. If the world around you makes sense from the place you currently stand, with the perspective you currently have and the information you’ve taken to heart as reality, then it will be difficult to approach life with a different philosophy. However, there are millions of people living wonderful lives of purpose with fantastic relationships with people they love and a career of impact who have different perspectives and experiences.


With consistent effort and new information you will inevitably change your perspective and vision. You’ll begin to learn and grow into a new, more successful individual. You'll begin to understand how to prioritize specific things in your life, how to let go of the clutter, spot new opportunities and engage with people who are also on the fast tract to success.

Make no mistake, I’m not saying you should try to be like anybody else, I want you to find the best version of yourself, because in your uniqueness lies your power and I honestly believe what Aristotle said “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.” – Aristotle

"Self awareness is foundational for reaching our highest potential". - William L Sparks

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their soul.” - Carl Jung

  • Take the time to understand your family dynamics
  • Enmeshed and codependent
  • Independent and distant
  • Victim, persecuted rescuer
  • Is there a history of abuse, addiction or serious trauma, real or perceived
  • Do you play a very specific role in your family or friend relationships

A fair warning as you begin to dig into these things it will be disruptive. The people around you have also become accustomed to your current state and as you begin to change they'll feel the shift and some will push back.

Part of knowing yourself well includes understanding what you are capable of, the impact you want to make, the legacy you want to leave, the relationships you want to develop, the projects and people you want to give your time, attention and energy to.

Once you've done your due diligence you'll be surprised how easily your passion will find each other.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
― C.G. Jung